A group of networking lions having fun
From a Lee Rockwell article
A Third Group Of People, The Ones You Ignore At Your Own Peril
A third group of people actually do determine the trajectory of history.
They are the Lions. A lion can be asleep or awake. A lion, once awake, naturally exudes freedom in the world around himself. He does not need to be led. He does not need to be told what to do. He just needs to be roused from his sleep. Naturally, as he goes about his day, the world around him becomes more free. That is the only group of individuals who deserve anyone’s attention. Sheep and hyenas get in line when the lion in wakes up.
In this psychological battle we are in the midst of, it is so important for the enemy to keep your attention on the sheep and hyenas, because keeping your attention there will distract and discourage you. The lions, however, are the only one who deserve your attention.
Come, join us, the water's warm!
This group is for Lions as opposed to Sheep. It is for those, in early 2020, who became very suspicious of the politicians of all the parties, and ignored lockdowns and masks as much as was humanly possible, and whilst not going for the untested CoVid-19 vaccinations we are violently against the forcing mandates. If people take them freely, it's entirely their responsibility. We tolerate sheep but have little time for them. Although we are the social side of the fight, I'm sure you can guess what we all discuss at our social events!
Visits planned
Local events include discussion meetings, coffee mornings, pub visits, meals in restaurants, parties, trips to London icons, and we might, if feeling particularly daring, travel south of the river! Group visits for trips to stately homes or the seaside entertainments/sports etc. But we strive to find new and different ideas for our entertainment. Tell us what you'd like.
When do we begin in earnest
There are several stages. This website was live from 20th February 2022. Events will start multiplying from April although there are already a few on the "Members events details" section. .
As our numbers build up, individual members will be encouraged to arrange their own events.
We are upfront with our fees
Our 'once off' joining fee is £3.00 and our annual membership fee is £7.
We are a non-profit and we will refund any profits to members each quarter. Full accounts are posted on our closed members site on Telegram each month and one of our members has volunteered to check them and quiz me on our expenditure.
Our Monday morning meetings
We meet in a bar at the Tally Ho pub every Monday morning - we are currently searching for a sympathetic pub for a regular evening meeting. STOP PRESS - We have found one.
Click on the photo for an enlargement